Case Study: Sixth Form Performance & Funding Support
“We have used the services of Oxford Analytics since signing up two years ago, and find their approach to be spot on.
They are professionally focussed on getting the schools the best funding deal that can, and their workshops make the ever-changing funding process transparent and accessible. Our small subscription has paid for itself many times over.
The results analysis is also extremely useful and much more punctual than the official government figures. We have headline figures long before term starts in the autumn. For us in an Ofsted year this was crucial in constructing a SEF commentary on results we had faith in. The headline figures and identification of areas of strength and weakness are never very different form those calculated with the new data set by the DfE.
Of particular use to us is the health check interactive system. This allows us to compare our overall performance and that of individual subjects with other schools in the LA, in the locality and nationally. The ability to compare locally and within LA the chance to identify areas where work is needed.
Since the OA systems are based on government data, we know we are looking at exactly what inspectors will see. For a fully comprehensive sixth form like ours, this approach is superior to other systems because it does not immediately suggest the achievement of an E is something negative; for many students it is not.
In summary, I would recommend (and have recommended) the services of Oxford Analytics to any school wishing to better understand the funding maze and their own school performance.”
Adrian de Souza, Deputy Headteacher – Sackville School
Case Study: Funding & Funding Data Support
“Given the complexities of Sixth Form Funding, we have found Oxford Analytics to offer a vital, value for money, service that not only ensures we are funded at the correct levels but supports our strategic planning with accurate data and advice. The courses they offer are informative, easy to understand and address key points that directly affect funding levels. Their support this year ensured that the school was able to successfully apply for almost £60k that it was underfunded by. I would recommend Oxford Analytics without hesitation and suggest that buying in their services is a wise investment.”
Rob Owens, Business Manager, Rainhill High School & Sixth Form
A Few More Testimonials
“I went with the package and it is SUPERB! It has quickly and effectively given me really useful data with my current year groups and saved me massive amounts of time as it breaks it down boy/girl/ mid/high/low ability etc etc – and is very user friendly with my Curriculum Leads. They love their interactive charts, especially as they can identify specific students. My lovely Data inputter is also impressed and pleased with how easy it is to use. Bearing in mind I am expecting an Ofsted any second, this is great way to prove progress.”
B. Lear, Assistant Headteacher KS5, Torpoint Community College.
“Thank you! By the way; totally love how simple the report creation facility is, it’s amazingly easy to run all the reports I need.”
Lizzie Logie
Cambridge Heath Sixth Form
‘I’m writing to express my appreciation for the projects that you delivered for us. The successful outcomes were as a direct result of your innovative and creative approach, which is, in my experience, one of the most advanced in the sector.’
Doug Norris, National Projects Director, Education Funding Agency (EFA)
‘Many thanks for all your help with this. I have had a quick look at the (August Results) Report and can I say that once again what you produce is fantastic and is very helpful to us!’
Jenny Simister, Data Manager, Blessed Thomas Holford
‘I think you provide a fantastic service and good value for money.’
Amanda French, Head of Sixth Form, Charles Thorp
‘Can I just say your system is an absolute joy to work with! After the initial preparation of the student and non-edi files I’m actually speechless at how effortless the process is. I have just delivered it to the Head and she thinks its absolutely wonderful too. Thanks for all your support’
Colleen, Data Manager, Cramlington Learning Village
‘You provided Islington with insight and clarity to guide us through a period of significant change – and demonstrated the ability to distinguish between the important and the urgent’
Jane Winterbone, Service Director – Young People’s Division,
Islington Council London
‘I was really pleased to have the report available so quickly. I passed it to SLT and it provided them answers to all their questions, and me, the much needed breathing space to get on with all the work which accompanies exam results.’
Jef Barton, Data Manager, St Hilda’s CE High School
‘Dear OA
I am writing to let you know how crucially helpful your report was in our recent inspection. The Sixth Form was judged to be outstanding in every area, except our A2 value added. The inspector challenged us to present him with data which could override this and take us from Good with Outstanding to Outstanding. Your report gave me the key piece of the jigsaw I needed – that our AAB rate in facilitating subjects is almost three times the national average, putting us in the top 10% of mainstream schools. This pushed us into the Outstanding category and I would not otherwise have been aware of it..’
Some Training Feedback
‘I went to the EFA briefing and came away even more confused! More questions than answers. This training event thoroughly plugged all the gaps in my knowledge – see you next year!’ London
‘Great venue; great lunch; great session. Many thanks to you all.’ Birmingham
‘This day really exceeded all my expectations. Good, well-designed sessions and two extremely well informed speakers who fielded all questions well. Thank you.’ Bristol
‘Great to hear someone speaking ‘human’ and in a way schools understand on funding issues…’ Cramlington
‘Excellent all round – and adding in a free British Library tour was a nice touch’ London
‘The ability to view our own data reports and use them as part of the working session on performance was excellent’ Manchester
‘Really enjoyed the session working with our own quality data…. opened my eyes’ Leeds
‘By some distance the best funding session I have attended’ London
‘Superb session all round. The Level 3 report is brilliant too!’ Bishop’s Stortford
‘An invaluable day, best CPD I have ever been on’ Brighton
‘Very, well organised, great resources, great speakers – extremely thorough. Thank you very much for inviting me’ Bradford
‘Fantastic, kept me fully engaged even though it had a lot of focus on data.’ London
‘Great presenters, very innovative and informative sessions. Sean McMahon’s session will probably save me thousands in sixth form funding…’ Bradford
‘I would strongly recommend this course to all head teachers – and couldn’t recommend the Level 3 report highly enough. It is a game changer for post-16 performance analysis!’ Plymouth
‘Really concise and clear breakdown of difficult subjects. Wish I had taken this course last year. The venue (Said Business School, University of Oxford) magnificent’ Oxford
‘Very, very knowledgeable speakers with lots of research to back up their arguments. The ability to field wide ranges of questions with ease was very impressive and much appreciated’ London
‘I will be contacting you for further ideas/help/advice. A thoroughly useful INSET – fabulous – thanks’ London
‘Thank you for saving me weeks wading thorough all the confusing EFA guidance.’ Plymouth