Welcome to Oxford Analytics

Intelligent Insight for Education & Skills


2024-25 packages

Package 1

£ 299

5 months
  • Results day reporting – to December 20th 2024
  • Unlimited report runs – vocational or academic
  • Error scan each report run
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Package 2Most Popular

£ 549

  • Results day reporting (see package 1)
  • Minimum Grade Generator
  • Grade Outcomes charts
  • Mocks & Monitoring reports
  • Amalgamation Report
  • EXTENDED Amalgamation Reporting
  • Funding & Funding Data Helpline and funding trend data
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Want to try? Contact [email protected] for a trial.

When will my account be activated?

Your data account is activated within 24 hours of an order being placed – and you can get started right away. Each school has a unique data account linked to their data and baselines with one secure login. Our average report generation speed is <10 seconds from your upload.

Data security?

Unlike other reporting models, we do not retain any school’s data for any purpose.  If you do not delete your data after use we will wipe it from our servers. We use an EC2 Elastic Cloud with servers located in the UK and operate an enterprise scale security environment. We are registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office for the work described above. The ICO is the UK’s independent public body set up to promote good practice in relation to data collation and use. For further information, please see out privacy statement here.