Oxford Analytics

Driven by our research; guided by our partners

Oxford Analytics – a very short history

Oxford Analytics exclusively serves the education and skills sector.  We began life at Oxford University’s Centre for Innovation and our roots are in the fields of ‘Big Data and ‘Open Data’.  Our ground breaking work on education and skills data was cited in the Government’s first White Paper on Open Data.  Last year we worked with partners on three key areas:

  1. Supporting the planning and delivery of education and skills policy and programmes.
  2. Performance data: support for performance analysis and target setting.
  3. Business data: support for funding and funding data.  

Who do we work with?

Oxford Analytics is part of the Department for Education’s Analytical Pool and we provide analysis and support to the Department.
We also support:
Schools, academies, academy groups, colleges and apprenticeship providers across the UK
Public bodies involved in shaping, planning and funding the education and skills system, including: the DfE: Education Funding Agency (EFA); Skills Funding Agency (SFA); the National Apprenticeship Service (NAS); the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS); and Cabinet Office.
– Other prominent public organisations: The European Union; The Irish Government.
A range of private sector clients engaged in education initiatives, including: Pearsons, Manchester United FC; Crossrail; Whitbread; the Co-operative.

We are an independent organisation. All our staff and associates come from an education and skills  background and we work with the latest technologies in the fields of data intelligence, analytics, cyber security and much more. To discuss your needs, feel free to contact us and talk to one of the team at [email protected].

Viewers who accessed our 'England's Leading Sixth Form Departments' research

Oxford Analytics Research

Our research portfolio in 2020-21 will include:

  • Digital technologies and data protection in education .
  • Intelligent target setting.
  • Economics of education and skills.
  • Funding data errors  in the education and skills sector.
  • Big Data: what do the combined national data sets really say about your performace
  • Apprenticeship needs analysis